My 28th birthday is FAST APPROACHING! (Nov 4th)… and, I’m excited, but this birthday will be different than my past birthdays. I’ve lost a lot of friends while going through my divorce. My family is busier with life and I’m not even sure if we will do a dinner. It seems like my normal month long of celebrations, will be cut short this year. I’m trying to get over it… Sniff Sniff… (I’m a Scorpio okay… I’m dramatic!) I am excited about one thing though, my mom and I are planning a trip Disneyland, just us girls, and I’m excited about that. I’m just trying to focus on the positive of what I do have, versus the negative of what I don’t have.
Recently I was inspired by a fellow blogger, The Unlikely Oilfield Wife to start up a list of things I want to do before I'm 30. I'm 27 now (almost 28), and I think these are all goals that are reasonable and could happen by the time I'm 30
Run a marathon
Really start my business
Move to a different, newer, fresher apartment
Take a photography class
Take a Zumba Class
Take a class to learn to play the guitar
Take a class to learn to learn to play the piano
Really REALLY think hard about getting a tattoo, and decide if I’m going to do it or not and either do it, or let the idea go... lol
Be okay with being alone, and I mean doing things alone, going to a restaurant, or the movies, or whatever, but to be able to be alone and do it
Have money in my stinking savings account!
Go get my make up done at the Mac counter! I've always wanted to do that! and I never had a reason to!!
Learn how to make my skin look amazing, and learn how to do my make up so it looks like a pro did it every day!
Crash someone's Prom! I never went to mine, and I've always wanted to go to one!!!
Make good homemade Ice Cream
Plan a camping trip.
Enroll in college and start working on finishing my degree.
Finalize my divorce!!!
This past year I lost about 50 lbs, I would like to lose about 40 more, I’ve been stuck at this weight for the past 6 months, and I’d like to finally get motivated with myself and get this weight off.
These are a bunch of things that I think about on an almost daily basis, so, I’m going to stop thinking, and start doing!!!