How do you know when you can trust someone? How do you know when you are or aren’t being played? What do you do when you find out that people you thought you could trust are actually not trustworthy at all? I’ve heard that saying “trust your gut” but my gut always lets me down! It never gives me a reason to not believe someone. It makes me question someone, but once the questions are answered, everything is satisfied. Recently I was told two things that have been eating away at me ever since, the first thing was “your problem is that you don’t know when you’re being played” and the second is “I felt like I needed to tell you what you wanted to hear”. Those are some pretty deep statements coming from someone you are supposed to be able to trust. After saying something like that, do you expect to be trusted again? I’ve also heard things, and found things out that I want explanations for, but will the explanations just satisfy me and not really be the truth? Is it worth even going there? This is not just from one person, it feels like there are lots of people I put my trust into, that are talking about me behind my back, and now I feel exposed, I feel like my little world is imploding, I feel like I can’t trust anything or anyone. I feel like running away from everyone and disappearing for good, starting over, starting new, and not let anyone into my little trust bubble again.