Okay, I had the absolute best time for Halloween this year!!! My daughter was Minnie Mouse. The day I showed her her costume she said "oooo thank you mommy!!!" in her cute little 2 year old excited voice. She held her arms out and said "gimmie a tiss (Kiss)". It was the most precious thing, and worth every penny I spent on that over priced Minnie Mouse costume!! I've had the costume since August, but I've had to keep it hidden because I know that girl, and I know that she would try to wear it every single day if she could. I brought it out on Saturday because we were going to a Halloween party, and she went coo coo wild!!! She was so excited! She worked that Minnie Mouse Costume! She wouldn't even let me call her McKenzie! She would say "I not McKenzie mommy, I Minnieeeee Mouse!" it was adorable!
Sunday, was Halloween. She woke up asking if she could be dressed up, and right away she told me that she was ready to be Minnie Mouse. I made her wait until around 4:00, which is when we got ready to go to my mom’s house for trick or treating. When we got to my mom’s house, Minnie ran out of the car so she could go show grandma and grandpa her costume. They made her feel so special and gave her lots of attention. She was sooooo cute!!!!! When it was time to go trick or treating she had a huge melt down and almost missed it because she didn't want to put on her sweater. Her Uncle Dougie (my little bro) had to help put her sweater on, and then she was ready.
We had our friends with us, The Mover, and his 10 year old Daughter... let’s call her... KS. KS and Minnie Mouse were able to trick or treat together. They would run up to the house and you could hear Minnie Mouse yell "trick or treat" and then the neighbors would come to the door and say "OOOOOO look at the little Minnie Mouse, and Pirate." (One old man said Indian beauty for KS’s costume, and she definitely looked like a pirate, not an Indian beauty! Ha ha!) The neighbors would give Minnie Mouse a few candies, and after each candy in her basket she would say "Tank U! Tank U!" She would then run off yelling "BYEEEEEEE" She would then run up to me and say "mommy, they gave me candy for me mommy" and I would say "YAY!! I know!!!" and then she would say "to the next house!" and go running off. This happened after every house it was so adorable. At one point, my mom and I almost died with laughter because she came running out after getting her candy and said "deeeeeeeelicious!!!!" and grunted a big old "YUM!" (This was before she even got to start eating the candy) She was so super pumped! I have to say that it was one of the best times I've ever had with her! I'm so excited to watch her grow and learn and participate in life, and not just be "there" as babies are in the beginning. These are the days that are so much fun!!! I keep repeating that night in my head over and over. It was nice that KS was there because it made Minnie Mouse a little more secure to go up to the houses, and you could tell by the end of the night she was very confident and wasn’t being shy anymore. KS would make sure that Minnie Mouse got up to the door with her, and they would wait for each other to get their candy. KS even told us that when there was a dog inside the house, Minnie Mouse would say “woof woof” to the dogs. HOW FUNNY IS THAT! This kid of mine is something special that’s for sure!
Well, It’s my Friday, even though its only Wednesday! Why do you ask? Oh, because tomorrow is my birthday, and I took the day off to go to Disneyland with my mom and my daughter. And, little Minnie Mouse is going to meet BIG MINNIE MOUSE! AND I CAN’T WAIT!!!
This post just made my ovaries scream "WE'RE TRYING, WE KNOW YOU WANT A BABY"!! Your daughter is absolutely adorable!