Random Act of Kindess…
This morning I was so cold that I couldn’t find my way out of my covers! I didn’t get out of bed until 6:15, and I start work at 7:00… Luckily I only work about 10 mins away from my house! And I’m a super speed getting readier! I didn’t have time to make coffee this morning, so I decided to stop by Starbucks. Which by the way, Starbucks is my enemy! There is one on every corner, and they are all drive through! It’s just not fair! I’m an addict! and the worst part is, Coffee is LEGAL, and EVERYWHERE! And it’s EXPENSIVE!!!! I spend $7:00 on coffee and a reduced fat turkey bacon sandwich. To be honest, it’s worth all $7:00, because I love it so much, but I still feel the need to complain!
This morning, I was paying for my coffee in the drive through, and then, all of a sudden, it hit me and I decided to pay for the lady behind me’s coffee! I got a huge adrenaline rush, and it really made me feel good! I was happy to do it! My whole drive to work I felt that nervous shaky, I just got away with something feeling. HA! Not sure why, because I wasn’t trying to be sneaky, but it still gave me that sneaky feeling inside!
I go home for lunch sometimes, and today happened to be one of those days. On my way home from lunch, I stopped at Starbucks for a refreshing peppermint mocha frap (lite!) and the same girl was working in the drive through. She told me that the lady didn’t believe that I bought her the coffee. She also said that she didn’t “pay it forward” and that bummed the drive through girl out! She said that a lot of times someone will buy someone’s coffee and then everyone in line will buy the person’s coffee behind them and it will go for a long time, but this lady killed it! that’s pretty cool to know that one day I could be stuck in a Starbucks drive through and I’m right smack dab in the middle of a paying it forward line and someone buys my coffee!!! Just another reason to visit Starbucks every morning~!!!
All in all, I’ll be continuing with my Random Acts of Kindness. I like the way it made me feel! So, why not!!
I love that idea, that is awesome :) I am totally going to do that the next time I go to starbucks!