This post is brought to you by my inner soul’s wildest dreams…. Time to dream a little…
SO, I live in Southern California, Orange County to be more specific… I love the city I live in. It’s a small little Old Towne type of city. I love it! It’s great! I know all of my neighbors; everyone is so friendly and warm. I’m 1 mile from the sweetest little shops and I can walk there on a Sunday morning to have breakfast, and then walk home. During the holidays, the city is decorated and filled with so many happy people. I LOVE THE CITY I LIVE IN!!! However, I’m over living in the city! I would LOVE to move. Far far far away. But, because I share custody of my daughter, it’s pretty much impossible to just pick up and go, where ever, and when ever. Yep. I’m STUCK. Kinda sucks…. But a girl can dream can’t she? Lately I’ve been dreaming about cabins in the woods. Let’s talk about my cabin (the one I’m building in my heart and mind). It’s going to have a TON of rooms, so that if anyone or everyone wanted to come and visit, and stay, FOREVER, they could! It would have a craft room, that will be mine all mine, so I could sew, scrapbook, draw, paint, write and work on my photography work. The whole cabin would be set up with speakers in every room so I could pump my jams through the whole house, and it would also be set up so people could listen to their individual music in the room they were in if they wanted to. The KITCHEN…. YES!!!! It’s going to be amazing!!!! I’ll have a computerized recipe computer/TV that showed me videos if I needed them. I’d have all of the 100 cooking blogs that I follow at my finger tips. Of course there would always be music playing in the kitchen. I would have only the best of the best cooking and baking gear. I’d have lots of cabinets, and lots of counter spaces, and LOTS of free space so I could dance around and sing to the guy I love.
My family room would be filled with big comfy couches with blankets and pillows and a HUGE TV with every movie that was ever made. There would be soft furry rugs on the floor so your little toes could be in cushy floor heaven. There would be a sweet little corner in a window where the sunlight warmed the space and you could sit and read for however long you’d like (or for however long your ADD allowed you too.. in my case..). There would be a big fireplace that warmed the whole room, and every night I would sit in that room perfectly content watching the flames dance. And hopefully listening to someone playing me the guitar and singing to me!
My cabin would have the best wraparound porch EVER. There would be a swing, of course! There would also be nice chairs that you could sit in all day and just soak up the sun. Or maybe I would sit outside while I work on my embroidery projects, or cut stray threads from my sewing projects. I would just be sitting in nature, listening to sweet music, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the sun on my body. I think I would have to have a tire swing of some sort! What’s a cabin in the woods without a tire swing?! I would find a cabin that had a lake close by, and we would go for mid afternoon summer swims, and then come back to the cabin for lunch and sweet tea. We would sometimes have camp outs and bon fires, and tell ghost stories and make s’mores. I can’t wait to see the leaves change in the fall, and to see snow fall in the winter, and to watch the wonder of spring, and enjoy the lazy days of summer in my cabin with all of the people I love most, who mean so much to me. I can’t wait!
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