The Guitar Hero told me that I was on a rocket ship going to the moon…. He is so right…. I’m always rushing… I rush everything! How do I calm down??? I need tips on how to date. Not on how to meet someone, and turn them into my husband. This is what I always do, because that’s all I know how to do. I met my husband at 19 years old; we were engaged when I was 21, and married at 22. I’ve never dated anyone. I don’t know how. I say that I’m an “all or nothing” kind of girl. As soon as I know there is someone out there, that I want to be a part of my life, I want to share everything right away. I don’t want to just share my story, but I want to share my time, my home, my cooking, my everything I have. I want people in my life who are meaningful to me. I don’t think there are any accidents in life, so when a person who is meaningful to me comes into my life, I want to keep them close to me so I can learn about them, learn from them, find out what they are all about and enjoy all the time I can possibly have together. I need to learn to enjoy the journey, and not worry about getting to the destination.
This is my other “thing” right now. I’m overly looking for assurance. Because this is un-chartered territory for me, I don’t know if what I’m doing is right, or is good, or is wanted. I keep trying to be assured that things are going down the right path so that I can protect myself if they aren’t. But, maybe I’m protecting myself from happiness too. I need to take a chill pill and relax. Ahhhhhh…..
Tonight is my last night with my daughter for the next 5 days. Maybe this is “bad mommy” talking. But man I’m sick of that 3 year old!!!! She all of a sudden woke up a different kid and I want my old one back! This version of my child is not pleasant at all! She kicks, screams, bites, throws crayons, and asks 14 million questions in 1 minute. I can’t take it! I’m pulling my hair out. Last night she came up with this new thing at bed time. She said “But mommy, I don’t know how to fall asleep” HA! What a laugh! All of a sudden after 3 years of falling asleep, you have just forgotten how to fall asleep! I’m looking forward to having a little break from her!
This weekend is super bowl Sunday weekend! And on Saturday I am having a HUGE Garage sale! I want to save up get a new computer so I decided to sell all my junk that I don’t need! Last weekend, I worked in my garage just cleaning and organizing, and my neighbors thought I was having a yard sale and I actually made 100 bucks! I’m hoping I can double that this weekend and put it towards my computer fund! Sunday, Me and the Guitar Hero are going to hang out. He asked me to go watch him play foot ball, and then afterwards to watch the game. So, this NON sports girl is going to be all sports’d out. But I’m looking forward to doing new things with a cool guy!
Soooo, here is to enjoying the journey and not worrying about the destination….
This is my other “thing” right now. I’m overly looking for assurance. Because this is un-chartered territory for me, I don’t know if what I’m doing is right, or is good, or is wanted. I keep trying to be assured that things are going down the right path so that I can protect myself if they aren’t. But, maybe I’m protecting myself from happiness too. I need to take a chill pill and relax. Ahhhhhh…..
Tonight is my last night with my daughter for the next 5 days. Maybe this is “bad mommy” talking. But man I’m sick of that 3 year old!!!! She all of a sudden woke up a different kid and I want my old one back! This version of my child is not pleasant at all! She kicks, screams, bites, throws crayons, and asks 14 million questions in 1 minute. I can’t take it! I’m pulling my hair out. Last night she came up with this new thing at bed time. She said “But mommy, I don’t know how to fall asleep” HA! What a laugh! All of a sudden after 3 years of falling asleep, you have just forgotten how to fall asleep! I’m looking forward to having a little break from her!
This weekend is super bowl Sunday weekend! And on Saturday I am having a HUGE Garage sale! I want to save up get a new computer so I decided to sell all my junk that I don’t need! Last weekend, I worked in my garage just cleaning and organizing, and my neighbors thought I was having a yard sale and I actually made 100 bucks! I’m hoping I can double that this weekend and put it towards my computer fund! Sunday, Me and the Guitar Hero are going to hang out. He asked me to go watch him play foot ball, and then afterwards to watch the game. So, this NON sports girl is going to be all sports’d out. But I’m looking forward to doing new things with a cool guy!
Soooo, here is to enjoying the journey and not worrying about the destination….
That quote is so true. but I think I almost prefer to just stay protected. : (