Friday, May 6, 2011

A day in the life...

me... Today... wearing a shirt that I re-fashioned

from a men's sized XL t-shirt

its says "proud to be awesome"

lol! I wore it to work today for fun, but I'm pretty proud that

I was able to take a big guys shirt, and turn it into a cute shirt for myself

for only $1.50, (the shirt came from the salvation army!)

First of all I would like to thank my readers for the support I’ve received! I didn’t want to talk about this for recognition of my change, but rather to gain support and advice on how to shift my focus. I want to make that clear because I really enjoy attention, and recognition of my accomplishments, and for myself, I want to remind myself, that I’m doing this because I need help, I need support, and I’m hoping that I could maybe help someone else. I don’t want this to get out of hand (in my head) about how I look, and how I’m such a hottie now! Lol… that was a joke, but that is also how my mind works, and how I sometimes let things run away and get out of hand… in my head… so, that’s what I want to say about that! Now… on to the biz:

I would like to talk about a day in the life of Heather. This is how it goes.

Wake up – weigh myself
Go potty – weigh myself to see if there is a diff
Make coffee, wash face, brush teeth – weigh myself once again to see if my body has adjusted from the time I went potty to now. Often times, there is a pound or two less difference, which I find fascinating, and I enjoy seeing
Get ready, go to work.
Come home from work – weigh myself… Think “not bad for eating all day and drinking all that water”
Go for a walk/jog/run
Get home, feeling all sweaty and lighter – weight myself – see a pound or two difference and think “must be all that sweat! BOOYA!”
Shower – weigh myself once again to see if there had been any adjustment in the past 10 -20 mins, considering I probably did go potty in between that time.
Make and eat dinner - weigh myself again to see if the food I put in my body caused me to weigh more or not
Hang out with the kiddo, or the Guitar Hero, or alone…
Get ready for bed, make sure I go potty again - weigh myself once more, and again think “pretty good for being after I ate dinner, and have drank so much water.
At any point during the night that I get up to go potty again – I will weigh myself to see how much pee I peed out that has made me drop a few ounces
If I happen to partake in extracurricular bedtime activities which cause me to feel as if I’m burning calories, I will again weigh myself… Just to see…

Then I go to bed, and do it all over again. I would consider this behavior, behavior of a junkie or an addict. That makes me feel like it’s true what they say about people who are overweight, that they are addicted to food. I don’t know that I’m addicted to food, but I do know I do have a problem. Since my last post, I’ve been trying to pay attention to my behavior and not let it run my life. Yesterday I didn’t weigh myself until right before I went to bed. It was pretty disappointing because at first it said 202.8, and I was like “oh heck no!!!” and then the scale had a huge ‘E’ for error, and I was like whew… and I stepped back on and it was 198.00. The day before it had been 194.8. I need to realize that things happen in the day that could affect my weight. If I drink a gallon of water after I eat a full meal, then yea, I’m probably going to weigh a few more pounds. AND, if I’m running, and building muscles in my legs and lifting weights so my arms will be tone, then maybe I’m creating muscle and muscle weights more than fat. So I should take a chill pill!

I was proud of myself for not being a scale junkie yesterday. This morning when I woke up, I decided that I wasn’t going to step on either. Instead I tried on a skirt that didn’t fit me before, and it fit me well today. That made me feel like, so what if my pounds are high, I am clearly seeing results. I’m trying so hard to not let this control my life anymore. Over the past 2 years I’ve had a huge life style change, I haven’t been on a diet, I’ve been on a change. My body has responded to it, but my mind has not caught up yet. I need to get my mind on the same page. That is my goal now!

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