Wow... today has left me speechless... I had such a wonderful day! I woke up, I watched a few shows, had coffee, went to the farmers market, ate beautiful fresh food, walked around my old town, came home and altered this spanish inspired white linen dress so i could wear it to the Cinco de Mayo festival, went to the mall and scored 3 pairs of panties from Victoria Secret for only $14.00, came home, made love, took a nap, woke up, went to the festival, had churros and tacos, left the festival, walked around my old towne again with coffee, stopped at the store, came home, made a healthy dinner, took a shower, had a cocktail, and now I'm getting ready for bed. What a full beautiful day it was! Spent with new friends, and old friends, doing new things, and enjoying what has been given to me!
For the first time, I loved who I was, and what I was doing! It was such a beautiful day!
I hope you are finding the joy in the everyday simple things of this one life we have!!!