Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So, I'm 29....  I'll be 30 soon... it didn't used to matter... but for some reason, it all of a sudden does.

The other day I found a lump in my breast.... I wasn't scared at first... I'm still not SCARED... I'm more disappointed... disappointed that i'm almost 30 and I haven't done anything... I don't really care about getting older, but I'm disappointed that i'm almost 30, and I've been in the same spot for such a long time, and I found a lump, and THIS could be it... What have I been wasting my time for?  I keep saying... "I'm gonna do.... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna.... "  seems to be my favorite phrase!  I'm gonna.... Sounds real... But it never turns out.  I never do what I say I'm gonna do.  Never.

So, I was wandering around the house this evening thinking to myself... What would I tell my 20 year old self... Wondering if I would actually listen or not... And then I got to thinking... I should ask my parents... I should ask my older friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents... If you were my age again... What would you tell yourself?  And I wanted to say... Be BRUTALLY honest!  But I was a coward thinking they would direct their comments to how they THINK I should live... So I left that part out... But I'm interested in what my elders would tell their younger selves.  I feel like this information could be so useful in the future decisions I make for myself!  And... I'm interested in what YOU would tell your 29 year old self!

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