Attention… I want it… I need it… I crave it…. and I get it… but not from who I want it from at all times of the day. Does that make sense? Let me break it down for ya! I work with the Guitar Hero, he is about 100 feet or less away from me at most times of the day. Yet, we keep our relationship as low key as possible to avoid office gossip and rumors spreading like wild fire. YET they always do seem to spread like wild fire, and they are the craziest rumors, but that’s a whole other topic. Lately, The Guitar Hero and I have been spending more time together in the evenings, which seems to have made our office time way less. For instance, he use to rush to my office as soon as he knew I was here to give me a kiss, or we would sneak off to a dark corner and cop a quick feel. We would e-mail constantly back and forth and pass each other and smile at each other without saying a word, just quick eye contact as to say “hello sexy… I’m thinking bout cha” now….. it’s like HOURS before we see each other while we are at work, the e-mails have almost stopped, other than a quick chat about lunch or after work plans. He used to send me a song every morning. It would be in my inbox waiting for me before I even arrived to work, there it would be, now… nada. I should cut him some slack and explain that he has had a rough couple of months and is a little out of sorts trying to find his way through life and living, and he has a lot to sort out and I know I’m not #1 priority on his list right now. And I’m okay with that fact, and I’m doing my best to be understanding, and not telling him every day how I’m missing our e-mails, I’m missing his attention, I’m missing all the cute secret kisses and the rush and excitement from all of that. I’m trying to find the balance and take it all with a grain of salt (what does that even mean!)… I look at how he treats me when we aren’t here at work, and that hasn’t changed, and I know there isn’t any funny business going on behind my back, so there, I cut him his slack. However, it seems that ever since this has been going on, there is another fellow who is always on the prowl and who is giving me attention. Do I like the attention? Yes. I’m an attention JUNKIE! Do I feel UNCOMFORTABLE with the attention? HECK YES! And I’ve told him to stop, yet, it seems when you tell the creeps of the world to stop, they keep coming back for more, and stronger, and from every angle! What’s an attention Junkie to do?
Part of this attention issue comes from the fact that I was always heavy growing up, and now that I’ve lost weight, and I’m looking good, and I’m feeling confident, I seem to attract more attention from people who would have NEVER given me attention in the past. So, it’s exciting to get it from someone who would of never given it to me before. I’ve been working hard on this attention problem that I have. I’ve been trying to find the happy within myself, and every time I sit here at my desk, waiting for some attention from the Guitar Hero, I start taping my little fingers, and start figuring out what I can do to make myself happy in that moment, so I don’t need it from him, or anyone else. At home I get TONS of attention! TONS!!! But here, for these 9 hours out of the day, it’s like dead air radio silence.
What should I do? Should I tell The Guitar Hero how I need his attention while we are here? Should I leave it alone and think “it’s for the better because we don’t need everyone in our business”? How do I go about avoiding the other co-worker who is giving me large amounts of attention at a time where I’m craving it the most? I already know the answers… Ignore the other co-worker, and tell him to F*off, and don’t’ worry about it so much while we are here at work because everyone doesn’t need to know what’s going on between us, and continue finding my happy and doing things that are helping me grow and become the woman I want to be! Okay! So that’s the plan!
On a side note… I’m still working on my to do list before I turn 30– I reevaluated the list and it’s kind of silly! But that’s okay, I’m still working on it, and so far this month I’ve accomplished a few things! Number 1, I enrolled in school for the fall! BOOYA!!!! I can’t wait!!! #2 I’ve been working on my photography business like NO OTHER! Last night I took a photography class, the instructor was great and recommended a great college to attend for a photography program! So, even though I already enrolled in the first college, I’m going to look into the other college and get set up to start in the fall there! The Guitar Hero said he wanted to go too! Wouldn’t that be cool if he took photography classes with me, and we became a team and lived and breathed and ate and drank photography?! What a thought!
I’m so proud of myself because I haven’t let myself get lost in this relationship! This is the first time in my life that I’ve stood by what I’ve said and continued to press forward with my goals! Last night The Guitar Hero wanted to hang out, and was giving me every reason to want to hang with him, and I really wanted to stay home and curl up on the couch and watch the game with him and eat dinner with him and enjoy the gloomy weather we had yesterday. But, I did not! I went to the class, and I learned A LOT, and I found out information I needed to know! So, I’m proud of myself for going! This is NOT like me, and I like the me I’m becoming now!
I’m also still working really hard on another goal which was to lose this last 40 lbs! I’m not stepping the scale 15 times a day anymore, and in fact I haven’t stepped on the scale since last Saturday, so I don’t know how many pounds I’ve lost, but I do know that I’m wearing clothes that I haven’t ever worn before and I feel great! I’ve been walking/jogging, and every day I feel my endurance getting stronger and its becoming easier for me to hold the jog for longer periods of time! It feels great and even if I don’t lose 1 pound, I’m so proud of myself and I feel so good for even getting out there and working on it. I feel my body changing and transforming and it’s really cool! It helped a lot to start talking about my struggles in the previous 2 posts! So, that’s what’s going on with me! Thanks for all the encouragement!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
A day in the life...
from a men's sized XL t-shirt
its says "proud to be awesome"
lol! I wore it to work today for fun, but I'm pretty proud that
I was able to take a big guys shirt, and turn it into a cute shirt for myself
for only $1.50, (the shirt came from the salvation army!)
First of all I would like to thank my readers for the support I’ve received! I didn’t want to talk about this for recognition of my change, but rather to gain support and advice on how to shift my focus. I want to make that clear because I really enjoy attention, and recognition of my accomplishments, and for myself, I want to remind myself, that I’m doing this because I need help, I need support, and I’m hoping that I could maybe help someone else. I don’t want this to get out of hand (in my head) about how I look, and how I’m such a hottie now! Lol… that was a joke, but that is also how my mind works, and how I sometimes let things run away and get out of hand… in my head… so, that’s what I want to say about that! Now… on to the biz:
I would like to talk about a day in the life of Heather. This is how it goes.
Wake up – weigh myself
Go potty – weigh myself to see if there is a diff
Make coffee, wash face, brush teeth – weigh myself once again to see if my body has adjusted from the time I went potty to now. Often times, there is a pound or two less difference, which I find fascinating, and I enjoy seeing
Get ready, go to work.
Come home from work – weigh myself… Think “not bad for eating all day and drinking all that water”
Go for a walk/jog/run
Get home, feeling all sweaty and lighter – weight myself – see a pound or two difference and think “must be all that sweat! BOOYA!”
Shower – weigh myself once again to see if there had been any adjustment in the past 10 -20 mins, considering I probably did go potty in between that time.
Make and eat dinner - weigh myself again to see if the food I put in my body caused me to weigh more or not
Hang out with the kiddo, or the Guitar Hero, or alone…
Get ready for bed, make sure I go potty again - weigh myself once more, and again think “pretty good for being after I ate dinner, and have drank so much water.
At any point during the night that I get up to go potty again – I will weigh myself to see how much pee I peed out that has made me drop a few ounces
If I happen to partake in extracurricular bedtime activities which cause me to feel as if I’m burning calories, I will again weigh myself… Just to see…
Then I go to bed, and do it all over again. I would consider this behavior, behavior of a junkie or an addict. That makes me feel like it’s true what they say about people who are overweight, that they are addicted to food. I don’t know that I’m addicted to food, but I do know I do have a problem. Since my last post, I’ve been trying to pay attention to my behavior and not let it run my life. Yesterday I didn’t weigh myself until right before I went to bed. It was pretty disappointing because at first it said 202.8, and I was like “oh heck no!!!” and then the scale had a huge ‘E’ for error, and I was like whew… and I stepped back on and it was 198.00. The day before it had been 194.8. I need to realize that things happen in the day that could affect my weight. If I drink a gallon of water after I eat a full meal, then yea, I’m probably going to weigh a few more pounds. AND, if I’m running, and building muscles in my legs and lifting weights so my arms will be tone, then maybe I’m creating muscle and muscle weights more than fat. So I should take a chill pill!
I was proud of myself for not being a scale junkie yesterday. This morning when I woke up, I decided that I wasn’t going to step on either. Instead I tried on a skirt that didn’t fit me before, and it fit me well today. That made me feel like, so what if my pounds are high, I am clearly seeing results. I’m trying so hard to not let this control my life anymore. Over the past 2 years I’ve had a huge life style change, I haven’t been on a diet, I’ve been on a change. My body has responded to it, but my mind has not caught up yet. I need to get my mind on the same page. That is my goal now!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Coming Clean
So, there has been something weighing on me and my mind. I decided that I want to talk about it because it is something that consumes my every thought for most part of most days. I thought that by ignoring it on the outside, that would make it go away on the inside, but really it just made it worse and it has spiraled into something I can’t control and something that needs to be addressed so that I can possibly start living a different type of life. So, let’s dive right in.
All of my life I’ve felt fat. I’ve always been the biggest girl, I’ve always had a tummy, and I’ve always felt fat. I’m going to be extremely honest, in hopes of helping myself, and helping someone else. For most of my high school days I was a size 13, and barely fit into that size 13. Every day I felt insignificant, ugly, and fat. My mom used to tell me that it was baby fat and that one day I would get tall and the fat would fall into place, and to be honest, I’m not sure if that ever happened or not. Now looking back, I was pretty average, and I should of learned to love myself because there was NOTHING wrong with me. Shortly after high school, I met my husband, and right away started going out to dinners and sitting around. Before I knew it, or realized it I was a size 18, and about 250 lbs. I don’t even really know when or how I got to be that size, I didn’t see or feel it happening, but it did. I lived with that weight for a good amount of time, probably close to 6 or 7 years. In 2009 I decided that I wasn’t going to be fat anymore. The thing that triggered it was someone saying some pretty harsh things about my size, and it made me feel really down, really low, and really horrible. So I started walking, and following the Weight watchers plan in July of 2009, and by November I had lost close to 50 lbs. It felt great and I was excited to keep it going and to lose another 30 or 40 lbs. In Jan of 2010, things in my marriage were not so great, and I separated and at that point I stopped following my exercise and food plans and I stayed at 200 lbs for the entire year of 2010. I have to say that even though I was disappointed that I didn’t lose, I was happy that I was able to at least keep the weight off and stick at the weight I was. Recently I started back on my healthy eating and walking and running plan, and I am already starting to see results and get complements from family and friends who are seeing the results as well. So, today I am at 194 lbs.
Even though I’ve lost the amount of weight I’ve lost, and I fit into things that I have NEVER fit into, I feel fatter than ever. I look at my arms and think “yuck” I look at my tummy and thing “ugh” will it ever go away, will I ever be happy with myself? Every bite of food I take is justified in my mind. For instance, there is a Fresh and Easy Chicken enchilada that I happen to LOVE! It’s satisfying, its filling, its tasty, it’s so good, and the meal is 320 calories, and low sodium and has a good amount of fiber, so I enjoy eating it. But, for some reason, in my mind, I have to constantly justify the fact that even though it’s a processed food, it has a good amount of calories and that it is on the healthier side of things and I shouldn’t feel guilty for eating it. This sort of dialog happens with everything I eat, or think about eating. I also say things to myself like “well, I’m going to go running later, so it’s okay if I eat this ______ now” or “its veggies so I can have extra” EVERYTHING has an excuse or justification.
The other day, I weighted myself and I was 190, the lowest I’ve ever been (since I was probably 10…) and I was so excited! I was thinking, soon I’ll see 189, oooo how I long to see the 180’s! But then after more running and working out and yoga I get back on the scale and I’m at 195. It’s so frustrating and discouraging, but then I remind myself that my pants are fitting me better, and dresses that used to be too tight are fitting me perfectly now. Maybe its muscle that is causing me to weigh more, and then I think “don’t make excuses for why you weight more, it’s probably that burrito you had, or the way you ate in Chicago last week.” I never give myself a break from food or my weight. I’m always thinking about it and I try to not talk about it, but according to the Guitar Hero, I’ve told him at least 10 times how the fresh and easy meal has only 320 calories in it. I had no idea I told him that many times.
I was trying to get all Oprah on myself and think “where is this all stemming from” but I really don’t know. All I know is that I was FAT, and I’m still a big girl. I don’t’ want to be FAT anymore; I’m terrified of being back to a size 18, and being 250 lbs. Maybe because I ignored it so much when I was younger, I’m trying to make sure that I do EVERYTHING to not ignore it now so that I don’t let it spiral out of control again. Maybe by talking about it now, I can stop living with it, eating me up inside. I’m not sure, but I’m trying so hard to stay on track with my weight loss, and it’s hard when I’m a single mom, working full time, I have a 3 year old that I’m raising, a new boyfriend, drama drama drama everywhere drama, lack of funds to join a gym or buy the “expensive” healthy food out there. And I really am doing my best, and even though I’m in this weird stage where I feel fatter than ever, I’m also at this stage where I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, and it makes me feel good that my clothes are fitting me, and people are noticing. I just need to find a way to not let food and weight control my every ounce of being, and learn to enjoy food, and use it as fuel for my body, not fuel for my every ounce of being.
So, I’m not going to ignore it anymore, I’m going to talk about it, I’m going to seek out advice, and hope that other people can offer words of wisdom, and things to think about to help shift my focus and my thinking so that I can live freely and stop being a prisoner to this!
me today may 2011 194lbs
so... that's all the honest hard to say, I don't really want to admit my weight sort of truth. But i feel like i have to do this in order to come clean with myself, and hopefully learn to move on from this obsession I have!
All of my life I’ve felt fat. I’ve always been the biggest girl, I’ve always had a tummy, and I’ve always felt fat. I’m going to be extremely honest, in hopes of helping myself, and helping someone else. For most of my high school days I was a size 13, and barely fit into that size 13. Every day I felt insignificant, ugly, and fat. My mom used to tell me that it was baby fat and that one day I would get tall and the fat would fall into place, and to be honest, I’m not sure if that ever happened or not. Now looking back, I was pretty average, and I should of learned to love myself because there was NOTHING wrong with me. Shortly after high school, I met my husband, and right away started going out to dinners and sitting around. Before I knew it, or realized it I was a size 18, and about 250 lbs. I don’t even really know when or how I got to be that size, I didn’t see or feel it happening, but it did. I lived with that weight for a good amount of time, probably close to 6 or 7 years. In 2009 I decided that I wasn’t going to be fat anymore. The thing that triggered it was someone saying some pretty harsh things about my size, and it made me feel really down, really low, and really horrible. So I started walking, and following the Weight watchers plan in July of 2009, and by November I had lost close to 50 lbs. It felt great and I was excited to keep it going and to lose another 30 or 40 lbs. In Jan of 2010, things in my marriage were not so great, and I separated and at that point I stopped following my exercise and food plans and I stayed at 200 lbs for the entire year of 2010. I have to say that even though I was disappointed that I didn’t lose, I was happy that I was able to at least keep the weight off and stick at the weight I was. Recently I started back on my healthy eating and walking and running plan, and I am already starting to see results and get complements from family and friends who are seeing the results as well. So, today I am at 194 lbs.
Even though I’ve lost the amount of weight I’ve lost, and I fit into things that I have NEVER fit into, I feel fatter than ever. I look at my arms and think “yuck” I look at my tummy and thing “ugh” will it ever go away, will I ever be happy with myself? Every bite of food I take is justified in my mind. For instance, there is a Fresh and Easy Chicken enchilada that I happen to LOVE! It’s satisfying, its filling, its tasty, it’s so good, and the meal is 320 calories, and low sodium and has a good amount of fiber, so I enjoy eating it. But, for some reason, in my mind, I have to constantly justify the fact that even though it’s a processed food, it has a good amount of calories and that it is on the healthier side of things and I shouldn’t feel guilty for eating it. This sort of dialog happens with everything I eat, or think about eating. I also say things to myself like “well, I’m going to go running later, so it’s okay if I eat this ______ now” or “its veggies so I can have extra” EVERYTHING has an excuse or justification.
The other day, I weighted myself and I was 190, the lowest I’ve ever been (since I was probably 10…) and I was so excited! I was thinking, soon I’ll see 189, oooo how I long to see the 180’s! But then after more running and working out and yoga I get back on the scale and I’m at 195. It’s so frustrating and discouraging, but then I remind myself that my pants are fitting me better, and dresses that used to be too tight are fitting me perfectly now. Maybe its muscle that is causing me to weigh more, and then I think “don’t make excuses for why you weight more, it’s probably that burrito you had, or the way you ate in Chicago last week.” I never give myself a break from food or my weight. I’m always thinking about it and I try to not talk about it, but according to the Guitar Hero, I’ve told him at least 10 times how the fresh and easy meal has only 320 calories in it. I had no idea I told him that many times.
I was trying to get all Oprah on myself and think “where is this all stemming from” but I really don’t know. All I know is that I was FAT, and I’m still a big girl. I don’t’ want to be FAT anymore; I’m terrified of being back to a size 18, and being 250 lbs. Maybe because I ignored it so much when I was younger, I’m trying to make sure that I do EVERYTHING to not ignore it now so that I don’t let it spiral out of control again. Maybe by talking about it now, I can stop living with it, eating me up inside. I’m not sure, but I’m trying so hard to stay on track with my weight loss, and it’s hard when I’m a single mom, working full time, I have a 3 year old that I’m raising, a new boyfriend, drama drama drama everywhere drama, lack of funds to join a gym or buy the “expensive” healthy food out there. And I really am doing my best, and even though I’m in this weird stage where I feel fatter than ever, I’m also at this stage where I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, and it makes me feel good that my clothes are fitting me, and people are noticing. I just need to find a way to not let food and weight control my every ounce of being, and learn to enjoy food, and use it as fuel for my body, not fuel for my every ounce of being.
So, I’m not going to ignore it anymore, I’m going to talk about it, I’m going to seek out advice, and hope that other people can offer words of wisdom, and things to think about to help shift my focus and my thinking so that I can live freely and stop being a prisoner to this!
so... that's all the honest hard to say, I don't really want to admit my weight sort of truth. But i feel like i have to do this in order to come clean with myself, and hopefully learn to move on from this obsession I have!
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