Monday, February 14, 2011

Some Valentines love from my little love bug!

Here is my cute love bug…. She is gorgeous right??? I mean, yes, I am her mother, and I’m a little partial. But, really, her face, her hair, her eyes. She is to die for! It gets me into trouble though! She is so cute that when she is being her terribly 3 year old self, it’s so hard to stay firm and stern with her. I mean, with a face like this??? MAN!!!!

This weekend, we delivered Valentine’s Day treats to our grandma’s and grandpa’s and some of our favorite friends. The little love bug made her rounds and spread her cheery love magic all around. We baked cupcakes and made cards, and we brought flowers. It was fun and everyone loved seeing her ! After all, who wouldn’t? It’s fun to do these things now, because soon she will be WAY too cool to hang out with mom.

So, thanks for letting me have my proud mom moment! :)